What is… Brand Personality?
Brand Personality is set of human characteristics which act as the voice behind the brand’s values, attributes and competitive positioning.
One established, popular brand personality scale, designed to span products and companies, contains 15 traits organized into 5 factors:
- Excitement: carefree, spirited, youthful
- Sincerity: genuine, kind, family-oriented, thoughtful
- Ruggedness: rough, tough, outdoors, athletic
- Competence: successful, accomplished, influential, a leader
- Sophistication: elegant, prestigious, pretentious
The establishment of brand personality allows the brand to be humanized and differentiated among competitors.
It gives your brand charisma.
Your brand personality should not be contrived.
Your brand personality should absolutely be authentic.
Let’s look at some famous brand personality samples:
- Charles Schwab: Demystifying Investing… Demonstrating Great Knowledge and Expertise.
- ESPN: An Authoritative Passion for Sports, Knowledgeable with a bit of Irreverence, Approach Sports Coverage from All Angles.
- Harley Davidson: Rugged and Macho with Spirit of Adventure and Freedom.
- Target Stores: Stylish & Trendy, Younger, Competitively Priced.
Start with these questions to help you get to the heart of your brand’s personality:
What personality have you established for your brand thus far?
How will your brand personality advance the strategic goals of the brand development?
Will your brand personality today be compatible with tomorrow’s goals & objectives for the brand?
Continue exploring our Branding Dictionary here: https://www.momentacreative.com/news/branding-dictionary
For further definitions of Brand Personality, we recommend:
Investopedia: Brand Personality
What is Brand Personality?
Definition of Brand Personality
Jamie Rose is partner & COO of Momenta Creative. We nicknamed Jamie the “Fun Machine” at the office because of her infectious laugh and unending energy. Don’t let the sparkling personality fool you. Her sharp, plugged-in approach to communications is what landed her previous positions with companies like The New York Times and The Global Fund, and what makes her indispensable to our clients today.