What is… a Brand?
The word “brand” is thrown about today without much thought given to the direct definition of what it means or how it should be perceived by your organization. As part of our continuing series on branding definitions, we’ll start with the fundamentals of a brand itself.
The easiest definition comes from Wikipedia, “Brand is the name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller’s product distinct from those of other sellers.”
However, that definition is not deep enough. A brand is more than a logo or a product. A brand is more than a graphic design package or catch phrase.
To say a brand is just a slogan is like saying a family is just a group of people who live together.
The great David Olgivy, aka “The Father of Advertising”, said, “A brand is the intangible sum of a product’s attributes: its name, packaging, and price, its history, its reputation, and the way it’s advertised.”
A brand is nuanced and multifaceted. It is a perception of distinctive products and services that define your company.
A great way to look at a brand comes from Conrad Phillips Vutech, “Branding is defining, promising and delivering a unique brand experience consistently. Branding distinguishes the brand from its competitions and builds preference.”
The brand is what your client thinks of upon hearing your name. It creates perception among your audience. It sets you apart and defines how you present your company, your product, your performance, and your mission. Your brand is the promise of an experience.
Continue exploring our Branding Dictionary here:
For further investigation of Brands, we recommend:
What is a Brand, anyway? (article)
Branding: Identity Design w/ Yo Santosa via The Futur (video)
Designing Brand Identity (book)
Jamie Rose is partner & COO of Momenta Creative. We nicknamed Jamie the “Fun Machine” at the office because of her infectious laugh and unending energy. Don’t let the sparkling personality fool you. Her sharp, plugged-in approach to communications is what landed her previous positions with companies like The New York Times and The Global Fund, and what makes her indispensable to our clients today.