Tag Archive for: Social Media

Planning Initiatives: Part Four

When Parts 1-3 are managed properly, it comes time to disseminate the message. It is not enough to have an individual or group of individuals acting independently to spark a reverberation within the social echo chamber…

Planning Initiatives: Part Three

Humans are very adept at discerning and measuring value. Any campaign or initiative that hopes to succeed needs to define a layer-cake of value…

Planning Initiatives: Part Two

Any effort to modify or shape the social narrative needs to include the development of a strongly realized message platform. There are a ton of resources on how to do this…

Planning Initiatives: Part One

The frequency and amplitude of messaging needs to be managed together. It is very difficult to craft a single message vehicle…

Forget Email! Snail Mail is Still the Best Way to Say “Thank You” in Business!

My stepmother always told us, “You should never send a thank you or a condolence letter as an email. It’s simply gauche.” And it is an adage I have chosen to live by over the years in my career…